The numbers like 19, 29, 59 are prime numbers and so cannot be factorised and division becomes more difficult and runs into many pages in t...
To calculate 1/19 ,1/29,1/39 and so on
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The numbers like 19, 29, 59 are prime numbers and so cannot be factorised and division becomes more difficult and runs into many pages in t...
CASE 1: When both the multipliers are lower than the base Example : 95 * 97 =? We see from above that both numbers are less than 100 (nea...
We have seen how to find the decimals of fractions of number 7 and decimals of fractions of number 13 so far.Similarly we are going to f...
Example 1 : What is the result of 1/13 ? Convert to a decimal fractions To solve this ,we use Kalau Kshudasasaih meaning "For 1...
PART 2 : FOR FINDING DECIMALS OF FRACTIONS For 7 the Multiplicand is 143 It is also called as ' Kevalaih Saptakam Gunyat ...
One less than the previous or One less than the before :As the name indicates this sutra involves subtracting one from the given number to...