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Type 1 : Consider divisors more than one digit and the divisors are slightly greater than 10

vedic maths

Steps and Clues :

Follow the rules from left to right
  1. Set the last digit of your dividend your main number as in red above and change the sign (-ve).
  2. Carry the one forward and multiply with your main number as in step 2(pic)
  3. Put you answer back into the table in step 1 (pic) and add to get your next answer.In our case it is -2 +2 =0
  4. Repeat the steps for all other numbers as in step 2(pic).
  5. Now the last digit becomes your remainder and the others becomes your quotient
As we go to for larger numbers following the same rules ,we can easily handle them and get our final result as soon as one minute.

Type 2 : The divisors is a three digit number 

vedic maths

Steps and Clues :

Follow the rules from left to right 
  1. Set the last two digit of your dividend your main number as in red above and change their sign (-ve).
  2. Carry the number 2 forward and multiply with your main number as in step 2(pic)
  3. Put you answer back into the table in step 1 (pic) and add to get your second digit answer.In our case it is 5-4 = 1
  4. With that answer from step 3(above) multiply again with the main number and put it in table (step 1 pic) and add them to get the results
  5. Now the last two digit becomes your remainder and the others becomes your quotient


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