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A simple trick to find the square of a number that is not closer to 10, 100, 1000 .

Find the square if 34 ??

First ,
Add the number to the second digit = 34+4= 38 --- (1)
Multiply the first digit of the number with number obtained in (1)
 i.e ;  3 x 38 =114. This is the first part of the answer.
Square the last digit = 4 x 4
                            = 16. This is the last part of your answer.

Answer = First part | Last part
                            =  114 | 16
                            = 1156

Therefore,34 2 = 1156

Diagrammatic Representation

Read also
Squaring of Numbers close to the powers of base 10, 100, 1000 etc
Squaring of Numbers close to base 50
To Multiply any number by any number


  1. as a math buff, i must say that this is really interesting!


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