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What is a Blog ? 
A Blog is like a personal diary or a website with frequent updates on the blogger's interest.The advantage of a blog is the availability of free host , lots of widgets and interactions through comments from fellow bloggers . In fact, you can even turn your blog into your interest collaborating with other people who have the same interest as yours, thereby honing your skills and getting feedback. 

Example : If the blog is about poetry, you can find other blogs of the same interest by finding and enrolling in blogrolls ( a blog which invites and share blog links )  or registering in blog directories. You also have a chance to learn and discuss how to write different styles of poetry.

How to create your own Blog ? 
There are two ways you can create blog namely and You can visit "How to start blogging for newbies with screenshots" for creating your first blog .

Can you make money from adsense ? 
Yes! you can. The more you work harder and learn the tricks of the trade,  you are likely to make blogging as job .With your targeted online content, you can maximize your earnings.

Wordpress doesn't support Adsense at present and so we are going to look only at After creating a blog and publishing few posts , you can apply for Adsense program through Google Adsense. There are many more similar programs to Adsense such as Clicksor , Infolinks, Blogvertise, etc but in this post we are only going to talk about some different ways to let Adsense make money 

Ways to make money with adsense 

1. Google Adsense publisher
As said above after you join into the Google AdSense program , you can slowly start earning advertising revenue from your blog depending on the amount of traffic you get in your blog. Earning through adsense requires some knowledge about SEO, Google Keyword Tool and some patience. 

2. Google Affiliate Links  
Google also provides revenue through Google Affiliate Ads program apart from Google Adsense. All you got to do is find the appropriate google network affiliate links , image or full ads in form of banners for your Blog posts and insert the code where ever required. For this, simply click on Gadgets - > Adversite products link on your right hand side of your blogger post while writing one and inserts the google network affiliate links. For this, you got to visit your affiliate site and apply to join the program to your preferred advertisers . When  your readers clicks through this affiliate link or banner , they are directed to the advertisers (or) merchant's website and sometimes do make a purchase. Depending on that, you can earn a commission on the same.

3. Google Search Affiliate 
Google provides search API which can be modified to bring the results for a particular blog or website or say by a merchant. Inserting the Google search code , you can use it to earn by gain click-thru commissions or cost-per-action ads with those links. For this, you have to join the google affiliate as a publisher.

4. Promote and Sell your product 
If you are a small business (or) if you are working from home , a blog can help you to promote and market your product. There are many examples on Internet where individuals work on their hobbies and sell the same thereby earning money.Few examples to quote are Card quilling and designing , Blog designing as per rate , Arts and crafts , Toys, etc.

5. Google Sniper affiliate program 
This entirely new program is not a part of Google network but with google and affiliate in its name , it can confuse anybody that it belongs to Google. Having said, Google Sniper affiliate program promises to make more money from ads and also few people agrees that they have made some money after learning the trade along with some hardwork. But, you have to buy this program for a small fee and also possess your own hosting domain. You can research the net for more information . 

And to benefit as much as possible from the above ways, all you need is traffic to your blog or website.To drive traffic to your blogs, you need to market your blog.

How to market and drive visitors to your Blog?
  • Social Networking - Be a member of social networks such as Face Book, Twitter, Stumble Upon, Pinterest, etc. And through them, market your links driving traffic to your website. Example : Become a member in FaceBook groups purposefully created for such promotions of Blog links
  • Blog Directories - Submit links to blog directories by finding them through Google Search.
  • Guest Posts  - Write Guest posts to other blogs and website where you link their website to yours.   People visiting Guest post blog or website have a lots of chance to visit your blog or website too.
  • Community Forums - If you are member of any community forums, drop a message with a link to your Blogs /Website. For this, the niche and topic of both the community forums and your blog should be same.
  • Write Reviews - Writing reviews in your blog or website promoting other people's product to website. Similarly you can also do the same with your blog or website or products. This is help driving traffic to your blogs.
Adsense doesn't support violent or adult contents, so restrain from those topics. Keep your post simple and direct so many of your readers might benefit from them. As much as you market or earn , regular posting or updating your blog keeps your blog alive. Also personally I believe, two posts per week will fuel your blog. Making money from Google adsense has never been so easier.
Happy Blogging !


  1. Quite a bit of interesting and useful info here. Somehow I have never been interested in earning money from my blogs, so for now, I'll just pass this info to those who might be interested.


    Joy always,

  2. @susan - It depends. Sometimes, you might try to test it and when successful you end up creating an adsense account. Or, maybe if the blog is mainly personal, you refrain from publicity and adsense. And susan thanks for visiting the blog tand passing on the info :)

  3. hey, first time here :).!..thanks for sharing the info..though I know half baked of all :) but nothing been put to use yet!!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Nice blog really helpful for all who are looking for some ideas to earn money online ...I am here to share my experience about how do i earned money online by doing reseller business .Reseller is nothing but selling products or services of others by fixing high rate and earning money by getting commission from them . To do this business we need to have a reseller account ...I got this account from the vendor here they are providing two packages basic and pro reseller plan you can sign in one among them ...Once you signed in for account they will provide you with everything we need: products, support, even a professional web site.Our site comes online once we signed up .The process begin with select the products,set retailing prices for those products ,finally customize out website as we wish .We don't need to handle any billing or customer support all are in the hands of the dealer who render us the account .After selling those products they will return back the commission amount to us..I am earning enough money by this method.


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