The Rising Stars of Comedy show that we saw in our previous post shows the hilarious way in which some stand up comedians share their per...
Laugh watching the Rising Stars of Comedy Show at NDTV Prime
Comedy is a rare talent which shows the lighter side of a human emotion, making people in and around to smile wholeheartedly. Some of the ...
Branded Monster High Clothes from Lamaloli
Although I had been busy quite lately with the summer holiday and guests, there are some opportunity that I don't like to miss like th...
DIY 3D Pop Up Wedding Invitation
I love Pop-ups as these gives life even to a simple card. It is truly magical when we see our creation jumping to life. Once mastered the ...
Sponsored Video: The Tree of Life - Lifebouy
Unilever has done it again with their heartwarming ads that highlight upon the most important aspect of creating a a better and sustainabl...
Let's Grow Wild Official Launch on the Importance of Growing Native Wildflowers
Wildflowers are native plants which can be naturally vibrant and is said to be rarely modified by artificial selection or breeding. It...
Trends that Define The Future of Shopping by 2030
The Future of Shopping relies on how people will approach to the technically developed world in front of them. Personally, I prefer both o...
In style with TRESemmé Ramp ready Hairstyles
TRESemmé is well pronounced as ' Très aimé ' in French which means 'much loved ''. With Très, all in caps it also so...
Hair Care : How to get a straight hair ?
Straightening Hairs is the trend seen among many Curly haired women who look out for ways to alter the way they look.And there are few oth...
Shave or Crave - No kisses , No bruises
The importance of facial hairs to Men and Woman entirely depends upon the necessity, their mental and personal requirements .Women are ble...